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바라보기, 언어, Wire Instructions, USC CREDIT UNION, 송금방법


바라보기, 언어, Wire Instructions, USC CREDIT UNION, 송금방법




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Send money safely and securely to U.S. or foreign financial institutions.

USC Credit Union’s wire services let you send or receive electronic wire funds transfers, across the country or the world. Wire transfers may come with fees so they’re best for large payments that need timely processing.



If you need to wire money, make sure it’s going to someone you know and trust. Never wire money to anyone claiming to work at a government agency or well-known firm who pressures you into paying or tries to sell you something over the phone. If you do, you’ll forfeit the protections wire transfers provide. Note: It’s illegal for a telemarketer to ask you to pay with a wire transfer. Report them if they do.*

Updated 6/21/23: Important changes to the account number and SWIFT/BIC code used for international wire transfers are effective May 30th, 2023. Please ensure that the following details are used for all future international wire transfers:

(U.S. BANK N.A., 800 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55402)
New Account Number: 158210143604

Receiving an International Wire

To receive an international wire transfer1, you’ll need this information:

  1. SWIFT/BIC Code: USBKUS44IMT (U.S. BANK N.A., 800 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55402)
  2. Beneficiary: USC Credit Union
  3. Address: Los Angeles, CA
  4. Account: 158210143604 (This is not your USC Credit Union Account Number)
  5. Additional Information: Indicate the final credit is to your USCCU account number, noting your account number along with your full name. Example: Final Credit to: USCCU 1234567, Tommy Trojan

Important: Be sure to provide all of the above information to your sending bank. If our account number 158210143604, in addition to your name and your USC Credit Union account number, are not included, your wire will not be successfully received.





보통 해외 송금에는 Swift 번호, 계좌번호, 은행 이름, 은행주소 정도면 송금이 가능한데, USC credit union의 경우에는 FCC (For Futher Credit)이 필요하여 아래와 같이 써서 송금해야 하나 봄


  1. SWIFT/BIC Code: USBKUS44IMT (U.S. BANK N.A., 800 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55402)
  2. Beneficiary: USC Credit Union
  3. Address: Los Angeles, CA
  4. Account: 158210143604 (Final Credit to: USCCU 받는 사람 계좌, 받는사람 이름)


아래 정보는 선택사항이며, 은행에서 요청하는 경우에만 제공하면 됩니다.


  • 중개 은행의 SWIFT 코드
  • 중개 은행 이름
  • 은행에서 요청하는 'FFC(For Further Credit)' 또는 'FBO(For Benefit Of)' 정보


#Wire Instructions






#For Further Credit


#For Benefit Of



#MN 55402






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