바라보기, 찾기, Climbing hold names, 클라이밍 홀드 이름, Jugs, Underclings, Slopers, Crimps,Pinches, Pockets, Volumes, 클라이밍 뉴비 2주차
바라보기, 찾기, Climbing hold names, 클라이밍 홀드 이름, Jugs, Underclings, Slopers, Crimps, Pinches, Pockets, Volumes, 클라이밍 뉴비 2주차 Handhold #1: Jugs, Jugs are the easiest to identify Handhold #2: Underclings, Handhold #3: Slopers, Handhold #4: Crimps, Handhold #5: Pinches, Handhold #6: Pockets, Handhold #7: Volumes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4c-sku15uo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPCS1dkiu3k https:..