#퇴직금 정산서, 퇴직금 계산하기
#퇴직금과 퇴직위로금의 개념이 필요하다.
#Severance pay statement
#Severance pay calculation
#severance pay
The management have offered employees one week's severance (pay) for each six months they have worked at the company.
a severance agreement/deal/package
the act of ending a connection, relationship, etc. or of being separated from a person, place, etc.:
The minister announced the severance of aid to the country.
The hardest thing to cope with was the severance from his family.
#severance pay in British English
compensation paid by an organization to employees who leave because, through no fault of their own, the job to which they were appointed ceases to exist, as during rationalization, and no comparable job is available to them
#severance pay in American English
#severance pay in American English
#퇴직금 계산하기
1.입사일자, 퇴사일자로 재직일수를 구한다.
2.퇴직전 3개월, 월별 일수, 월기본급 넣고 1일 평균임금을 구한다.
3.1일 평균임금으로 퇴직금을 계산한다.
퇴직금 = 1일 평균임금 × 30(일) × (재직일수/365)
내일을 위한 고용노동부 - 고용노동부가 밝은 미래를 열어드립니다
#퇴직금 계산하기
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